How To Build A Website Free Online

Are You Wondering How To Build A Website Free Online? I Did It Free Paying Nothing And Included Affiliate Links To Earn Money. I Can Show You How.

Results Of Building A Website Free Online With Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate com
How cool is that? Hard to believe it is possible, right? It took me a while to find out how. Now that I know how, I want you to learn the secret too.

There are at least thirty online sites offering free websites; however there are many hidden limitations which are not discovered until you sign up. Hastily signing up for your own website for free online can result in disappointment because not all offers are the same. Therefore, I want to inform you of what to watch out for. Then I’ll tell you how I found the perfect online site which I signed up for and got two free websites without all of the limitations listed below. The Free offer is still available. So please read carefully. You will be glad you did!

Here is a birds eye view of what I will discuss and show you.

Watch Out! How To Build Your Own Website For Free Online Can Cause Unpleasant Limitations

The following list shows what to watch out for and how to identify unpleasant limitations.

Caution When You Learn How To Build A Website Free Online. Signup With The Right Company (Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate .com)

✓ Even free websites require hosting.
Some companies that offer free websites charge a hosting fee to recoup their cost.
✓ Websites can be used for many purposes.
Many companies offer free websites but limit the purpose to blogging.
✓ The free time period may be limited.
Don‘t be surprised if free is limited to a trial period for a month or even a year.
✓ If website monetization is allowed, product selection is usually limited.
Only one group places no restriction when it comes to monetization.
✓ Restriction of design usually exists. Companies limit design options so little support time is required from them.
✓ Help is limited or none existent.
✓ Your website name will be attached to the company website name.
The majority of free website  domain names given look like this: www.CompanyName/YourWebsiteName. Such a website name has such little opportunity to get ranked by search engines.
✓ Most providers claim your website as their property if you decide not to become a paid account.
✓ Not all websites are hosted on the WordPress Content Management System platform.
WordPress offers the easiest content management platform to work with. It automates so many things and makes other aspects intuitive.

To be real honest I did not know about the above cautions when I signed up for my free website. But I was lucky. The website provider I got my free website from is the perfect company. They pride themselves in doing the website thing with professional quality and honesty. What they say is what they do. No fine print.

One Online Site Does Not Have The Limitations Listed Above. Learn More About It

How To Build A Website Free Online Teaches How To Get Your Internet Presence I feel so very fortunate to have found this site. None of the limitations listed above were present.

The following were given to me when I signed up for free to create my own website for free online. I very actively added content to my website and learned how this program works. It was great to have an opportunity to try it out for myself. Here is what I got!

✓ Two Websites – the domain name is my choice; set up is a sub domain for good SEO potential
✓ Hosting which includes free SSL security encryption, speed booster, 24 x 7 x 365 support, backup redundancy
✓ WordPress content management with twelve free themes and Plugins of choice
✓ No Design restrictions
✓ No money earning limitation. Any industry affiliate program is acceptable.
✓ No website ownership time period restriction. Ownership can be for life
✓ 50 action based lessons teaching beginners how to create a website with content and links for earning.

Truthfully! I was blown away. I liked it so much I converted from a free member to a premium member in seven days. Guess what! I am still a member. If you are curious about the Program for Premium Members here it is. Check The Wealthy Affiliate Review. Now.

Want Do You Think?

For me, signing up was easy.  Now that I have been a member for over five years, I whole hardheartedly recommend this opportunity for anyone who wants to build their own website for free online. This was a life-changer for me. I discovered the pride of owning my own website.

See How To Build A Website For Free Online With Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix If you have never built a website before, it sounds difficult, technical and time consuming, right?

I know doing something new the first time causes anxiety. For that very reason I have a video below to show you how it is done.

No technical skill is needed. Relax! The website is technically built for you in 30 seconds by SiteRubix. You get to do the fun stuff: adding content and pictures. WordPress really makes things easy. Take a look.

What Next? Only Three Steps Away From Building Your First Free Online Website

Here are the three steps.

  1. Step 1: Register For Your Free Website. Here Is The Sign Up Link. No credit card is required. Sign up is completely free. Stay free for live unless you want more.
  2. Step 2: Watch How To Build A Website. See The Video below. It shows what takes place during the build
  3. Step 3: Build Your own Website. In 4 Minutes You Will Have Your First Free Website. Follow The Timetable Below.

We show you how to do it. The video below will walk you through each step. The video is re playable for your convenience. Relax! This is very doable.

Step 1: Register For Your Free Website

Here Is The Sign Up Link. No credit card is required. Sign up is completely free for Starter Membership. Stay free for life unless you want more. No ending trial period except first seven days after sign up you get access to Premium features to understand the entire program scope’s training, tools and support.

Step 2: The Scoop. Watch The Video To See How To Build Your Own Website Free Online

I want you to feel confident and come away with a “I Can Do This” attitude! I am here to help you! This video shows you exactly how to build a free website online.

Step 3: Build Your Own Website In 4 Minutes. Follow The Timeline Below

Learn How To Build Your Own Website Free Online With Powerful WA Platform Four minutes is all you need to build your own website free online. Here is how to use the four minutes.

3 minutes – Think about a niche (topic of interest); choose a domain name

5 seconds – Choose a WordPress Theme.  This is a good time to check out a theme’s demo so know if you really like it. You can always change your theme later without looking your content and images. All that changes is the layout, coloring and other design items.

30 seconds – SiteRubix and WordPress work behind the scenes to do the technical build of your website while you can take a sip of coffee. This includes initializing the website to the server, installing the theme, initializing the database for WordPress, activating site security protection, activating spam protection, optimizing the site,  making caching available, and other behind the scenes activities to finalize your database into which will run on some of the most powerful servers in the world. Speed impacts visitor time on a website.

2 seconds to view details about your installed site such as hosting servers, site URL, admin login and password, installed plugins (All in One SEO Pack and EWWW Image Optimizer), page and post templates installed for About, Policy, Sample Page and Hello World.

The newly built website is basically a blank canvas for you to design with imagery, build out the content, add social elements, create menus, add categories, and as time goes on add additional features with plugins.

The SiteRubix and WordPress Advantage

By now you may realize that SiteRubix and WordPress work very well together to give you and your website a competitive advantage. SiteRubix keeps your site protected and gives fast response to WordPress, search engine and web surfer requests while WordPress keeps the content organized for fast retrieval, gives page and post creation capability, provides site navigation via menus, and accepts add-ons for additional functionality such as sorting, eCommerce, forms, socializing and display units such calendaring and mapping. These factors along with learning SEO best practices give you the advantage needed to grow your website both with content and visitor count.


I could go on and on about why I think this is a golden opportunity. But the ultimate decision is yours. I am eager to help you build your website – to create something that is uniquely yours.

Do You Want To Build Your Own Website For Free Online Now? The Offer Is Still Available?

I am eager to help you as you do your own free website. Leave your comments and questions below.

Here is the free sign up to get your first free website. Enjoy!

I Am Here To Help You! Let Me Know If You Have Questions Or Need Help!

8 thoughts on “How To Build A Website Free Online”

  1. I thought that the information you presented was excellent and helpful for new potential online business owners. You take the time to tell what steps I need to take. Thank you!

    1. Hi John.
      Thank you for your kind comments. I am pleased that you were able to follow the content.

      I do hope that you will read more content on All of the content is meant to help you understand how to build a website.

  2. Do you really get two websites for free? It sounds to good to be true. It seems to me that might be a catch. Thank you for your response.

    1. Hi Jerome,
      Yes, you really do get two free websites. There really is no catch. We believe that if you are really serious about owning your own website, is that you will want to begin to learn how to earn more money online and will eventually want more than two free websites.

      If you just want two free websites that is OK. They are your free websites forever. We will not charge you for them.

      Do not forget that we provide 70 free lessons also with the two free websites so you can learn how to use the websites. By the time you finish the 70 lessons you will know how to add affiliate links to affiliate marketing programs like Amazon (sign up to be an affiliate marketer is also free because you are helping them by marketing their products. In fact Amazon will pay you a commission when someone buys a product you market on your website.

      Like you, I too was skeptical about receiving something free because I too thought there was a catch.

      But, I signed up for two free websites because I was not ask for any payment information so I knew there was no way I would get billed. This is an honest to goodness free offer with no strings attached.

      By the way, if you are really interested in getting two free websites I would caution you because there are other website programs on the internet that also offer free websites. I have compared other free programs to this one and have discovered that this FREE website program is the best because you can add product links of your choice, create as many product pages as you wish and add any kind of plugins such as Woocommerce which is great for product pages. Other FREE program offers online do not let you add Woocommerce and choose whatever products you wish and how many products you wish.

      Our offer of two free websites is our way of letting you find out for yourself how rewarding it is to own a website. Having talked with so many we have learned that the majority of people you find out how easy it is to own your own website, will want more. We want you to be comfortable and happy with the decisions you make.

      We hope you will sign up for your two free websites and go through the training.
      Hi Jerome.
      There is NO catch!
      I realize in today’s world with so many scams that is the first thing we all think of. I did too before I signed up for this free program. I am so glad I took the “risk” because this is a real honest to goodness that offers two free websites and 70 lessons of free training so you know how to create and get traffic to your website.

      You will not be asked for a credit card or personal payment information. This is assurance in itself that this is a legitimate opportunity.

      Two websites with training are offered free (there is no time limit for how long you have access to your free websites and the 70 lessons of training.) because we do not want you to sign up for something you have not tried. That is a very honest fair way of doing business. You sign up get 2 free websites, go through the training and decide for yourself if you want to learn more and participate in the full program as a paid member.

      The free opportunity gives you access to 70 lessons of training which will get your website up and running and an opportunity to get traffic to your website. This gives you a feel for the process and the opportunity it provides.

      This is a WIN WIN opportunity. It is a WIN for us because we get a chance to let you experience this program and see success. It is a WIN for you because you spent no money, but learn a new skill. What you decide to do after going through the training and creating two free websites is totally your decision.

      There is no catch. It is truly wonderful that honest to goodness opportunities still exist.

      Thank you,
      JGH Webbrand

  3. did not realize that WordPress offers better functionality over its competitors. Knowing that you need hosting services and a theme which others may include in their pricing of purchasing a website package.

    I also like the freedom of making changes the way I want verses those others that may control which functions I can use.

    This was awesome information that I was not aware of.


    1. No! There is no age limit to signup to build two free websites; however your grandchildren must have an active email address.

      If your grandchildren eventually want to earn money from their website they must be 18 years old before they can create and own an Affiliate Marketing Account.

      If your grandchildren are under the age of 18, their parents must sign up for the Affiliate Marketing Program and create an account under their name. The parents need to claim any profit under their Social Security number for income tax purposes. The parents would act as the guardian for their under aged children.

      The other option is for the grandchildren to get experience writing content and increase traffic to their website. When they are 18 they will have already built up a lot of traffic which should make earning commission from the site easier.

      I think it is terrific you are thinking of telling your grandchildren about this opportunity. It is a great way to learn a new skill for free. The generation of grandchildren have a great advantage if they can build a website when they are young. It can earn them an income for life. What a terrific opportunity!

      JGH Webbrand

  4. I thought that the information you presented was excellent and helpful for new potential online business owners. You take the time to tell what steps I need to take.

    Thank you!

  5. Holy mackeral. I had no idea of what is available for free. I thought that if you wanted to own an online business you had to shell out lots of cash. I will be taking closer look at Wealthy Affiliate. I am bookmarking this site for future reference.

    Thank you very much!

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