Free Website Builders For Beginners

Are You Looking For Free Website Builders For Beginners? We Compare The Free Ones And Show You Which Is The Best One And Why. Get Free Access To The Best.

So glad you found us. We can give you free access to the best free website builder for beginners. Over five years ago we were beginners and got free access to this website builder. It is terrific. Everything is free. It is the best thing ever for beginners.

We want to provide more information about it so you can decide for yourself. Here are the topics we cover.

What Is Free Website Builders For Beginners?

Let’s make sure our definition of what is a free website builder is the same as yours. Here is what we expect from a free website builder.

  • ✓ Give me at least two free websites.
  • ✓ Let me choose a name for my websites.
  • ✓ Give me some free options for a design (also known as a website theme), but only ask me to click the one I want to use.
  • ✓ Provide an email type editor to add blogs to my website.
  • ✓ Provide the services I need to run my website, such as free hosing, free security encryption, free spam protection, free accelerated speed so it will run fast on mobile devices.
  • ✓ Help me if I have problems. I expect technical help to be available 24 x 7 x 365.
  • ✓ Allow the website to grow both in size and traffic.
  • ✓ Provide training so I have something to follow.
  • ✓ Give me freedom to blog or earn money from my free websites. I want the freedom to belong to an affiliate program such as Amazon and put links on my blogs so when people click on the links and Buy I earn a commission without paying any money.
  • ✓ Help me expand my knowledge of websites, options for earning money and tools to aid the process.

The above expectations are very thorough. At first glance it looks nearly impossible to find a free website builder for beginners with all of these features. However, we found one that provides all of these features free. We are using this website builder and find it outstanding. It does the building step by step so seamlessly. It is written so simply that even beginners can work with it. See the step by step process below to discover for yourself how doable it is.

How To Create A Free Website Step By Step Using Our Favorite Website Builder

Step 1 Sign Up Free For Free Website Builders For BeginnersStep 1 Sign Up For Access. Enter your email address.

Step2 Enter Your Real Name, User Name and PasswordStep 2 Enter your real name. Your real name will not appear for others to see. Enter a user name, a name you want others who have free websites with this website builder to know you by. Choose a password. Make is difficult for anyone to guess. You will not be asked for any credit card information. This program is free.
Step 3 Begin Training Let Website Builder Build Your Website For Free Website Builder For BeginnersStep 3 Read the Welcome Email from Kyle and Carson, the co-owners and authors of the program.
At this point you will be given a tour of the website program. Finally you will be directed to the free training lessons. Note that Phase 2 is where the website builder will build your free websites.
Step 4 Let The Free Website Builder Build Your Free Website. Here are the steps that occur. Notice that you do very little. It is so easy. There is no coding required. The website builder takes care of that in the background. You get to sit and watch. It only takes 30 seconds. Blink your eyes and your website is built. How cool is that!

Steps Performed Solely By The Free Website Builders For Beginners

Website Builder Step 1 Builds a Free WebsiteStep 1 – The Website Builder provides two free websites; therefore select Build On A Free Domain.

Step 2 – The website builder needs a website name. A good website name is one that includes the wording for a niche you would like to share on the internet. It works best if you choose an interest you know a lot about. Some examples are myhealthylifestyle or mysecretstoahappyfamily or stayingyouthful or anything that sounds catchy and interesting.
Step 3 – The Website Builder needs a title for the website. The title will be the site’s readable name from step 2 above; for example: My Healthy Life Style or My Secret To A Happy Family or Staying Youthful.
After hitting enter, the website builder will go to work behind the scenes and add WordPress to make your website content organized and retrievable. WordPress will also add its editor which looks like something you would use when creating an email so that you can add content pages or blogs to your new website.

Step 4 Website Builder Requires Selection Of A Theme
Step 4 The Website Builder needs a free design (WordPress Theme) selected to give it some style. You are free to choose any free WordPress theme. Hiero is an easy one for beginners to use.
Step 5 Website Builder Provides WordPress. Here Is The WordPress Dashboard For Next StepsStep 5 WordPress provides a nice dashboard to help you with next steps.
The first page to edit is the Front Page. It should be edited with some relevant content. Provide information about your site here. Look what we did on our Front Page for some ideas.
Next add the additional pages: About. Contact and modify the Privacy Policy. After these pages are created manage the menu and add these pages. Then new pages and blogs can be created focusing on your niche interest.

Step 6 Website Builder Protects Backups. It Also Adds Speed Boost and Encryption Features
Step 6 After the above steps are completed, the free website builder provides a features dashboard showing the additional functions it performs to keep your website protected from spam, boost the website speed, and provide security encryption. No website builders except this one provide all of these additional features.

Step 7 Sign Up For Google Analytics and Search ConsoleStep 7 Sign Up for Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor the traffic to the website. Follow the training for additional help.

We sincerely hope we did not overwhelm you with the above information. The above steps with images are meant to show you that the website builder takes care of the technical build. You do no coding. The process is really easy and not time consuming. It takes less than 5 minutes. Be sure to book mark this page to use as a quick reference when creating your first website. Once you do it, you will see for yourself how easy it really is.

Our Best Free Website Builders For Beginners Meets Our Expectations

In the very beginning of this blog, we listed what we wanted from a Website Builder. Here are the results of what the website builder we like best does. It meets our expectations. This website builder provide the following:

  • ✓ Two free websites
  • ✓ No trial period. Access is free as long as wanted
  • ✓ A domain name of my choice
  • ✓ A free website design choices
  • ✓ Built in WordPress Editor
  • ✓ The free services of hosting, free security encryption, free spam protection, and free accelerated speed
  • ✓ Technical help 24 x 7 x 365
  • Training that is both written and video for easy understanding
  • ✓ Freedom to blog or earn money with freedom to choose the affiliate marketing program of preference
  • ✓ Large Reserved Space for each website and large Visitor Bandwidth (30GB and 500,000 Visitors per Month)

The above list of freebies is unbelievable.

We are certain this is the best website builder for beginners. It is so easy to follow, provides so many features and shows how to create websites. We are thoroughly pleased. We hope you give this website builder a try so you can see for yourself how it works.

To help you further understand the differences between website builders and why our favorite is such an outstanding selection, we will compare it to other builders so you can see for yourself the differences.

How Do Free Website Builders Compare?

The most popular website builders include Weebly, WIX, SquareSpace, Webs, Webnode, Jimbo,, SimpleSite, IMCreator, Wealthy Affiliate, Site123, Go Daddy, and Strikingly. We compare the features that impact beginners most significantly. Those includes such things as time period, domain name selection, ad placement, size and space, and monetization opportunities. Here are our results.

Time Period Limitation
We discover that Strikingly, Go Daddy, and SquareSpace have a trial period which means an ending date. In comparison to all of the others Wealthy Affiliate is best because it does not have a limited time period for those who are committed to taking action.

Domain Name
All of the free website builders except Wealthy Affiliate give folder names which are very hard to rank. Wealthy Affiliate gives sub domains because a sub domain can get a ranking boost from the main domain and yet be a standalone website in the eyes of the search engines.

Ad Placement
WIX, Weebly, Webs, Webnode,, Site123, and Jimdo place ads on free website pages and blogs. Wealthy Affiliate is unique in that it places no ads on free-websites.

Website Size And Traffic Allowance
Webnode provides 100MB; Weebly, WIX, and Mozello allow 500MB; Strikingly gives 5GB of storage and bandwidth; Wealthy Affiliate provides the most space at 30GB for pages, blogs and images and a visitor traffic bandwidth of 500,000 per month.

Product Selling
WIX, Strikingly, SimpleSite, Jimdo, IM Creator, and Mozella all place restrictions on choice of products that can be sold. Of all the website builders, Wealthy Affiliate offers the most freedom.

Our Recommended Best Choice Free Website Builder

Based on the above features comparison, Wealthy Affiliate offers the most free features and individual flexibility as well as excellent training. Thus, we highly recommend and select Wealthy Affiliate as the best free website builder. If you are looking for even more detail, here’s a link for the best free Website Builder. .

Testimonies From Those Using The Best Free Website Builder

Even though we said we like this website builder, we think that you should know how others who use the program like it. Here are some recent testimonies.

Jayne Is Haviing Fun Doiong What She Is Learning On WAJayne says: I am having fun using what I am learning from WA. I have utilized the training so far… got my keywords implemented into my website and applied for more affiliate programs. I am so excited. I feel so much more confident doing this kind of work online using the training from WA. this is such a great place… I wish I had found it earlier. better late than never I guess.

Munco Is Learning Way More Than He Expected On WAMuncho says: I’ve been working continuously on my website (I have 2 domains, but I am focusing primarily on one at a time until I master the fundamentals), and I’m seeing a bunch of great things. I noticed that I’m beginning to learn much more than I ever imagined I would using WA and WordPress – I really like this. I’m proud of my progress.

Dennis Says WA is The Best Thing He Has TriedDennis has tried other programs, but WA is the best. He says; I’ve spent lots of money on different programs that were promising the world in terms of learning an online business. None delivered. None of them. At one point I began to question if there is maybe something wrong with me…In WA I know exactly what is the next step I need to take in order to become better and learn new things. And if by chance I don’t understand the instructions, there is always help. I think WA is the best laid out path to success there is.

Robert says this is amazing training and support groupRobert says This is amazing training, supportive community, Easy to navigate on the platform, answers to your questions in very short time, I really am glad I found this program.

Letuka is happy learning hereLeluka states:There is not another platform to learn skills of online marketing so easy as at WA.I am glad and very happy that I am a member of the great community of WA students who learn how to earn online.

The above individuals are also delighted to use the program. It is even more than what they expected when they signed up. We agree with them. This is the best free website builder available.

So What Do You Think Of Free Website Builders For Beginners?

Do you still have questions? Are you excited and ready to sign up? Let us know what your thoughts are.

What Next? Free Sign Up

Here is the sign up link so you can begin using our favorite website builder free. We are eager to help you get started. Let us know how we can help.

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